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How to generate engaging blog post ideas using AI - Perplexity

How to generate engaging blog post ideas using AI - Perplexity

This article is part of a series that builds on this introductory post: AI-Powered Content Creation: Using the "Sandwich Method" for Authentic Writing.

Blog posts are a great way to generate interest and position your brand as a leader in your space. Not only can a blog post help boost your SEO, but it can also be reimagined for social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, or Facebook to generate interest in places your customers are likely to be. 

When writing a blog post, we want to think about how we can impart knowledge and value to the reader, rather than just trying to get them to buy something. How can we discover topics that will engage readers rather than bore them with the same information other brands have already told them?

Using Perplexity to generate topic ideas

New AI alert! We’re going further than ChatGPT this time to help us generate some topic ideas. 

ChatGPT is great for information that already exists on the internet, but when we’re trying to add value it’s less helpful to read what’s already been written. That’s why we recommend using with co-pilot turned on. Not only will you get all the information ChatGPT can give, but this AI will ask followup questions and search the internet for the intent of your question, including forums like reddit. Perplexity also asks followup questions and cites its sources, which can be helpful for gathering further context and diving deeper into a topic.

Disclaimer: as with using any AI, make sure you don’t input any confidential or private information.

The Prompt

Here, I’ll ask the same question to ChatGPT and Perplexity:

I work in the beauty industry and I need to generate some blog post ideas. I want to write about underserved topics in the skincare/makeup field. What are some commonly searched topics that don't get great search results?

The Answers

Click here for Perplexity's Answer 👇


First, Perplexity asked me this followup question:

What specific aspects of skincare or makeup are you interested in? With the following suggestions: ingredients, skin conditions, makeup techniques, and a spot to put something else. I chose ingredients, and then gave this answer (with sources)!

Based on the search results, there are several underserved topics in the skincare/makeup field that you could write about. Here are some ideas:

  1. **Misunderstood Ingredients**: Many skincare ingredients have a bad reputation, but the science doesn't always support these fears. You could write a series of posts debunking myths about ingredients like parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, mineral oil, silicones, petrolatum, propylene glycol, and talc[1].
  1. **Ingredients That Cause Acne**: Some common ingredients in cosmetics can cause acne, especially in people with sensitive skin. You could write about these ingredients and suggest alternatives[2].
  1. **Toxic Ingredients in Cosmetics**: Some chemicals in cosmetics have been linked to serious health problems, including cancer, reproductive and neurological harm, and developmental delays. You could write about these chemicals and suggest safer alternatives[4][6][9].
  1. **Controversial Ingredients and Their Alternatives**: There are many controversial ingredients in cosmetics, and consumers are increasingly looking for alternatives. You could write about these ingredients and their alternatives, and discuss the challenges and opportunities for the beauty industry[10].
  1. **Underserved Segments of the Beauty Market**: There are many underserved segments in the beauty market, and you could write about the specific skincare needs of these segments[5].
  1. **Targeted Skincare Solutions**: There are many skincare issues that aren't commonly addressed, such as underarm darkness or inner thigh discoloration. You could write about these issues and suggest targeted skincare solutions[11].
  1. **Pore-Clogging Ingredients**: Many common ingredients in skincare products can clog pores and cause acne. You could write about these ingredients and suggest non-comedogenic alternatives[12].

Remember, it's important to cite reliable sources when discussing these topics to ensure that your information is accurate and trustworthy.




























Click Here for ChatGPT's Answer 👇


Exploring unique and underserved topics in the skincare and makeup field can set your blog apart and attract a niche audience. Here are some ideas for blog post topics that may not receive as much attention but could be of interest to many:

Skincare for Specific Skin Conditions: Address skincare routines for less common skin conditions like rosacea, eczema, or psoriasis. Explore tips and product recommendations for sensitive skin or skin prone to allergies.

Makeup for Special Occasions: Provide makeup tutorials and product recommendations specifically tailored for events like job interviews, family gatherings, or graduations.

Cultural Beauty Practices: Investigate and celebrate beauty practices from different cultures, discussing their historical significance and contemporary adaptations.

Skincare for Men: Share insights on skincare routines and product recommendations tailored for men, addressing issues like shaving irritation and basic skincare.

Ingredient Deep Dives: Explore underrated skincare or makeup ingredients, explaining their benefits and how to incorporate them into a routine.

Sustainable Beauty: Discuss eco-friendly and sustainable beauty practices, including product recommendations, packaging considerations, and DIY alternatives.

DIY Beauty Products: Share simple recipes for homemade skincare or makeup products using natural ingredients.

Makeup for Different Age Groups: Provide makeup tips and tricks for various age groups, addressing issues like mature skin concerns or age-appropriate looks for teens.

Skincare and Makeup During Pregnancy: Explore safe and effective skincare and makeup routines for expectant mothers, considering the unique challenges and concerns they may face.

Virtual Beauty Consultations: Discuss the emerging trend of virtual beauty consultations, exploring how technology is changing the way people receive personalized beauty advice.

Beauty for Busy Lifestyles: Share quick and efficient skincare and makeup routines for individuals with hectic schedules.

Beauty for Different Climates: Provide tips on adjusting skincare and makeup routines for various climates, addressing challenges like humidity, extreme cold, or high altitudes.

DIY Spa Day at Home: Guide readers through creating a spa-like experience at home, including skincare routines, relaxation techniques, and product recommendations.

Skincare and Mental Health: Explore the connection between skincare practices and mental well-being, discussing how self-care routines can positively impact mental health.

Affordable Beauty: Curate lists of high-quality, budget-friendly skincare and makeup products for readers on a tight budget.

By delving into these less-explored topics, you can provide valuable and unique content that resonates with your audience and helps establish your expertise in the beauty industry.


The Conclusion

Even when I asked ChatGPT to come up with ingredients-specific ideas, it gave me suggestions like Hyaluronic Acid and Niacinamide which are quite commonly discussed ingredients in this niche.

While ChatGPT spat out a few ideas of common skincare ingredients I could write about, Perplexity gave me much more: for example, if I wanted to write about underserved segments of the beauty market, I now have an article that lists these segments and provides much more information to get me started. I could choose a specific segment or segments and then talk about why they’re underserved, or I could solve the problem by creating articles specifically for these communities. Perplexity’s Co-Pilot takes me a few steps further in my writing process much faster, with sources.

This new world of AI is just getting started, and we’re likely to see more AIs that build on each other’s intelligence. Perplexity is built on OpenAI’s GPT model, but as we can see it offers more than what ChatGPT can currently offer free-plan users, especially with Co-Pilot. You can learn more about Co-Pilot here. Comment below if you have a favourite AI model, or if there’s anything else you’d like to learn about AI from our blog series.

Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst

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